Professional Neck Tech Dog Collar for Behavior Correction
You noticed that pinch collars damage your dog's fur? Want it to be in good condition? Then, probably, you should get this High Quality Neck Tech Collar for Training your dog. What is so special about this canine supply? This collar is made of Curogan. This material combines a lot of advantages. It is high quality, durable and rust-proof. What is no less important is that it protects your doggy's fur from discoloration. Wearing this item, your pet will not only be well-behaved, but will have gorgeous hair as well. So, don't waste your time. Order this Curogan Neck Tech Collar and train your pet being sure in its safety and reliability.
Please be advised! Though the curogan dog collar prevents dog's fur from discoloration, we still recommend to use stainless steel dog collars for dogs with white fur.
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Full Control Curogan Neck Tech Dog Collar -
Curogan Neck Teck Dog Collar for Behavior Correction
Easy-in-Use Buckle on Neck Tech Dog Collar
Rustresistant Neck Tech Dog Collar Made of Curogan
Key features of this Dog Collar: - great breaking load
- rust resistant metal
- click lock buckle
- D-ring for leash attachment
- extra strong item
| Intended use of this Dog Collar: - dog training
- walking
- behavior correction
Size: - 19 inches (48 cm) in length
- 6 3/5 oz (19 g) in weight
| Material: |
This dog collar is very efficient for training your four-legged friend. With this piece of canine equipment it is easy to show / teach him / her how to behave well. How does this item work? It has a number of links with special prongs. When your dog pulls, the prongs imitate mother dog’s teeth, creating a natural influence over your pet. So, as you see, wearing this collar your dog won't get hurt if used properly. Functions of this collar are quite similar to the functions of an ordinary pinch collar. The difference between them is that the collar presented on this page is more gentle.
This collar is equipped with reliable click lock system and a D-ring for a leash attachment. The buckle is durable enough to withstand your pet's pulling force. So, put this collar on you¶ doggy, adjust the buckle, attach a lead to the D-ring and train your pet with great pleasure.
It is also available to add / remove links to make this collar of bigger / smaller size. Originally this collar is offered in 19 inches (48 cm). Each link is 1 ¼ inch (3 cm). To adjust the size you will need a few minutes of your time and the needle-nose pliers.
You can also order a Nylon Removable Protector for this dog item. It lessens contact with water, prevents direct light absorption, the collar becomes less noisy and looks like a standard nylon collar at first sight.
Please, note!
- Do not leave your pet unsupervised while wearing a Neck Tech Collar to avoid his accidental injuring.
- Choose the size of the dog's collar carefully; it shouldn't be too large or small.
- Put the collar on your dog behind his ears and under his jaw line.